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BEAM Bakım Durumu

I've Started, I'm Done, I'm Authorized to Use

System -> User Groups -> Change -> General Privileges

Type "Selectable" in the search box and activate the privileges in the box in the image below:


After granting user group privileges, it must be ensured that the user who will use this feature has Source Code defined.

!!! If the User has no resources, this feature will not be available!!!


How to Use the I'm Done feature?

Processes-```> Job Request Closure -\> Additional Features -\>``` Maintenance Status


  1. The personnel working on the work order log in to the job request closure page with their own user.
  2. Clicks 1 time on which it starts (makes it selected)
  3. Click the Additional features button.
  4. In the drop-down list, click "MAINTENANCE STATUS".
  5. Depending on the given user group authorization, the options for which it is authorized are opened.

Image4 6. By selecting Started, you will have added to the "Working Personnel" tab of the work order that you have started working on the selected work order at the relevant system time.